

StackAdapt Is a self-serve programmatic advertising platform used by the most exceptional digital marketers. This state-of-the-art platform is where some of the most progressive work in machine learning meets cutting-edge user experience. Ad buyers plan, execute, and manage data-driven native advertising campaigns across all devices, leveraging proprietary data, inventory and publisher partners.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

100% Video Completion 15s Engagements (LP)
25% Audio Completion 25% Video Completion
50% Audio Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Audio Completion 75% Video Completion
API Frameworks Address
Advertiser ID Advertiser Name
All Campaign IDs Allow iFrame Engagement
App Category App Domain
App Title Audio Completed
Audio Completion Rate Audio Started
Audit Status Average Time (LP)
Average impression time on landing page (seconds) Average time on site (seconds)
Avg. Engagement Rate Avg. Imp. Time (LP)
Avg. View % Bid Amount Total
Bid Type Black List Options
Brandname Budget
Campaign Bid Type Campaign Created At
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign Type Campaign Updated At
Canada Province Options Category Options
City City Options
Click Conversions Click Secondary Conversions
Click URL Clicks
Clicks Conversions Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Client eCPV Conversion Revenue
Conversions Cookie Conversions
Cost Country
Country Options Created At
Creative File Name Creative ID
Creative URL Custom Segments List
Daily Cap Date
Device OS Family Options Device OS Options
Device Type Device Type Options
Display JS Creative Preview Domain
End Date Engagement Rate
Engagement Tracking Type Engagements
Footfall Avg Click Time Footfall Avg Imp Time
Footfall Conv Footfall Tracker ID
Footfall Tracker Name Frequency Cap Limit
Frequency Cap Time Heading
IP Conversions IP Options
Icon File Name Icon ID
Icon Preview Icon URL
Imp Conversions Imp. Conversions
Impression Conversions Impression Tracker URLs
Impressions Landing URL
Language Options Line Item End Date
Line Item ID Line Item Name
Line Item Start Date Listen Through Rate
Local Day Of Week Local Hour Of Day
Location ID Location Name
Name Native Ad ID
Native Ad Type Pace Evenly
Page Loads Region
Revenue Revenue Type
Revenue Value Secondary Conversions
Smart Targeting Source
Start Date State
Supply Source ID Supply Source Name
Supply Source Options Supply Type Options
Tagline Time on Site
Total Time (LP) Typename
US State Options Unique Conversions
Unique Impressions Updated At
Use DMA Vast XML
Video Completed Video Completion Rate
Video Started Video starts
View Creative Preview View Icon Preview
View Rate Views
Zip Code Zip code

100% Video Completion 15s Engagements (LP)
25% Video Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Video Completion Advertiser ID
Allow iFrame Engagement Avg. View %
Bid Amount Total Bid Type
Budget CTR
CVR Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign Type
Canada Province Options Category Options
City Options Click Conversions
Clicks Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Client eCPV Conversion Revenue
Conversions Cost
Country Options Created At
Custom Segments List Daily Cap
Date Device OS Family Options
Device OS Options Device Type Options
End Date Engagement Tracking Type
Frequency Cap Limit Frequency Cap Time
IP Options Imp Conversions
Impressions Language Options
Line Item End Date Line Item ID
Line Item Name Line Item Start Date
Pace Evenly Page Loads
Revenue Secondary Conversions
Smart Targeting Start Date
State Supply Source Options
Supply Type Options Total Time (LP)
US State Options Unique Conversions
Unique Impressions Updated At
Use DMA Video Completion Rate
Video starts eCPA

100% Video Completion 15s Engagements (LP)
25% Audio Completion 25% Video Completion
50% Audio Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Audio Completion 75% Video Completion
API Frameworks Advertiser ID
Audio Completed Audio Completion Rate
Audio Started Audit Status
Average Time (LP) Avg. View %
Brandname CTR
CVR Campaign Bid Type
Campaign Created At Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign Type
Campaign Updated At Click Conversions
Click URL Clicks
Client Cost Client eCPA
Client eCPC Client eCPE
Client eCPM Client eCPV
Conversion Revenue Conversions
Cost Created At
Creative File Name Creative ID
Creative URL Date
Display JS Creative Preview Heading
Icon File Name Icon ID
Icon Preview Icon URL
Imp Conversions Impression Tracker URLs
Impressions Landing URL
Line Item End Date Line Item ID
Line Item Name Line Item Start Date
Name Native Ad ID
Native Ad Type Page Loads
Revenue Secondary Conversions
State Tagline
Total Time (LP) Unique Conversions
Unique Impressions Updated At
Vast XML Video Completion Rate
Video starts View Creative Preview
View Icon Preview eCPA

15s Engagements (LP) 25% Audio Completion
25% Video Completion 50% Audio Completion
50% Video Completion 75% Audio Completion
75% Video Completion Advertiser ID
Advertiser Name Audio Completed
Audio Started Average Time (LP)
Avg. Engagement Rate Avg. Imp. Time (LP)
Avg. View % CTR
CVR Campaign Bid Type
Campaign Created At Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign Type
Campaign Updated At Click Conversions
Clicks Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Client eCPV Conversions
Cookie Conversions Cost
Date Device Type
IP Conversions Imp. Conversions
Impressions Line Item ID
Line Item Name Listen Through Rate
Page Loads Secondary Conversions
Time on Site Total Time (LP)
Video Completed Video Completion Rate
Video Started eCPA

25% Audio Completion 25% Video Completion
50% Audio Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Audio Completion 75% Video Completion
Advertiser ID Advertiser Name
App Category App Domain
App Title Audio Completed
Audio Started Average Time (LP)
Average impression time on landing page (seconds) Average time on site (seconds)
Campaign Bid Type Campaign Created At
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign Type Campaign Updated At
Click Conversions Click Secondary Conversions
Clicks Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Client eCPV Conversion Revenue
Conversions Cookie Conversions
Cost Date
Engagement Rate Engagements
Imp. Conversions Impressions
Line Item ID Line Item Name
Listen Through Rate Page Loads
Secondary Conversions Supply Source ID
Supply Source Name Total Time (LP)
Typename Unique Impressions
Video Completed Video Completion Rate
Video Started View Rate
Views eCPA

15s Engagements (LP) Advertiser ID
Campaign Bid Type Campaign Created At
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign Type Campaign Updated At
Clicks Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Conversions Cost
Date Domain
Impressions Line Item End Date
Line Item ID Line Item Name
Line Item Start Date Name
Secondary Conversions Source
Unique Impressions eCPA

Address City
Clicks Conversions Country
Date Footfall Avg Click Time
Footfall Avg Imp Time Footfall Conv
Footfall Tracker ID Footfall Tracker Name
Impression Conversions Local Day Of Week
Local Hour Of Day Location ID
Location Name Zip Code

15s Engagements (LP) 25% Audio Completion
25% Video Completion 50% Audio Completion
50% Video Completion 75% Audio Completion
75% Video Completion Advertiser ID
Advertiser Name Audio Completed
Audio Started Average Time (LP)
Avg. Engagement Rate Avg. Imp. Time (LP)
Avg. View % CTR
CVR Campaign Bid Type
Campaign Created At Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign Type
Campaign Updated At Click Conversions
Clicks Client Cost
Client eCPA Client eCPC
Client eCPE Client eCPM
Client eCPV Conversions
Cookie Conversions Cost
Country Date
IP Conversions Imp. Conversions
Impressions Line Item ID
Line Item Name Listen Through Rate
Page Loads Region
Time on Site Total Time (LP)
Video Completed Video Completion Rate
Video Started eCPA

100% Video Completion 15s Engagements (LP)
25% Video Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Video Completion Advertiser ID
All Campaign IDs Avg. View %
Black List Options Budget
Click Conversions Clicks
Client Cost Client eCPA
Client eCPC Client eCPE
Client eCPM Client eCPV
Conversion Revenue Conversions
Cost Daily Cap
Date End Date
Imp Conversions Impressions
Line Item ID Line Item Name
Pace Evenly Page Loads
Revenue Revenue Type
Revenue Value Secondary Conversions
Start Date State
Total Time (LP) Unique Conversions
Unique Impressions Video Completion Rate
Video starts eCPA

25% Audio Completion 25% Video Completion
50% Audio Completion 50% Video Completion
75% Audio Completion 75% Video Completion
Advertiser ID Advertiser Name
Audio Completed Audio Started
Average Time (LP) Average impression time on landing page (seconds)
Average time on site (seconds) CTR
CVR Campaign Bid Type
Campaign Created At Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign Type
Campaign Updated At Click Conversions
Click Secondary Conversions Clicks
Client Cost Client eCPA
Client eCPC Client eCPE
Client eCPM Client eCPV
Conversion Revenue Conversions
Cookie Conversions Cost
Date Engagement Rate
Engagements Imp. Conversions
Impressions Line Item ID
Line Item Name Listen Through Rate
Page Loads Secondary Conversions
Total Time (LP) Typename
Unique Impressions Video Completed
Video Completion Rate Video Started
View Rate Views
Zip code eCPA

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