HubSpot Email Campaigns

HubSpot Email Campaigns

HubSpot email campaign automation allows for designer and IT-free email marketing campaigns and has easy to setup A/B testing in a simple to use interface.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

Application Application ID
Bounce Rate CTR
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Click Rate Content ID
Created Date
Delivered Delivered %
Event Event ID
Number Queued Open %
Open Rate Opens
Processed Recipient
Response Sent
Subject Subtype
Total Bounces Total Clicks
Total Delivered Total Dropped
Total Number Queued Total Opens
Total Processed Total Sent
Total Spam Reports Total Status Changed

Application Application ID
Bounce Rate CTR
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Click Rate Content ID
Date Delivered
Delivered % Number Queued
Open % Open Rate
Opens Processed
Sent Subject
Subtype Total Bounces
Total Clicks Total Delivered
Total Dropped Total Number Queued
Total Opens Total Processed
Total Sent Total Spam Reports
Total Status Changed Type

Application Application ID
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Created Date
Event Event ID
Recipient Response

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