Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform that enables businesses to create and manage ads on Google's search engine and partner sites, helping them reach their target audience effectively.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

% New Sessions Account Currency Code
Account ID Account Name
Account Time Zone Active View Viewable CTR
Active View avg. CPM Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad (Headline) Ad Event Type
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Status
Ad Group Tracking URL Template Ad Group Type
Ad ID Ad Label IDs
Ad Labels Ad Network
Ad Preview Ad State
Ad Strength Ad Tracking URL Template
Ad Type Adjusted Content Impression Share
Adjusted Content Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Content Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Content Impression Share Old Adjusted Display Impression Share
Adjusted Search Click Share Adjusted Search Impression Share
Adjusted Search Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Search Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Search Impression Share Old Adwords Metro ID
Age Range Age Range State
All Assets For Asset Group All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
All conv. value / cost App Final URL
Approval Status Asset Final Mobile URLs
Asset Final URL Suffix Asset Final URLs
Asset Group Ad Strength Asset Group Field Type
Asset Group Final Mobile URLs Asset Group Final URLs
Asset Group ID Asset Group Name
Asset Group Path1 Asset Group Path2
Asset Group Performance Label Asset Group Policy Summary Approval Status
Asset Group Policy Summary Policy Topic Entries Asset Group Policy Summary Review Status
Asset Group Status Asset ID
Asset ID at Google Ads Asset Image Asset File Size
Asset Image Asset Full Size Height Pixels Asset Image Asset Full Size URL
Asset Image Asset Full Size Width Pixels Asset Image Asset Mime Type
Asset Name Asset Policy Summary Approval Status
Asset Policy Summary Policy Topic Entries Asset Policy Summary Review Status
Asset Sitelink Asset Ad Schedule Targets Asset Sitelink Asset Description1
Asset Sitelink Asset Description2 Asset Sitelink Asset End Date
Asset Sitelink Asset Link Text Asset Sitelink Asset Start Date
Asset Source Asset Structured Snippet Asset Header
Asset Structured Snippet Asset Values Asset Sub Type
Asset Text Asset Text Asset Tracking URL Template
Asset Type Asset URL Custom Parameters
Asset YouTube Video Asset YouTube Video ID Asset YouTube Video Asset YouTube Video Title
Associated Ad Groups Associated Ad Groups Number
Associated Campaigns Associated Campaigns Number
Audience Audience ID
Audience State Audience Type
Average Mobile Friendly Clicks Rate Average Valid AMP Click Rate
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. Bounce Rate Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Daily Content Impr. share Avg. Daily Cost
Avg. Daily Display Impr. Share Avg. Daily Display Lost IS (budget)
Avg. Daily Display Lost IS (rank) Avg. Daily Search Exact match IS
Avg. Daily Search Impr. Share Avg. Daily Search Lost IS (budget)
Avg. Daily Search Lost IS (rank) Avg. session duration
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type Bid adj.
Bidding Strategy Brand
Budget Id Budget Period
Call Tracking DisplayLocation Call Type
Call ad business name Call ad call tracking enabled?
Call ad conversion action Call ad conversion behavior
Call ad disable call conversion? Call ad phone number verification URL
Call-only ad phone number Caller Area Code
Caller Country Code Campaign
Campaign (Adwords ID - Network) Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Network(s) Campaign Optimization Score
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Canonical Name Category (1st level)
Category (2nd level) Category (3rd level)
Category (4th level) Category (5th level)
City City (User location)
Click Type Clicks
Client All Conv. Value / Cost Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost / All Conv.
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Content Lost IS (rank)
Conv. Value Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conv. value (current model) Conversion Action ID
Conversion Action Name Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Category Conversion Name
Conversion Rate Conversion Source
Conversion Tracker ID Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Conversions (current model)
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / all conv. Cost Per All Conv.
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Country Country / Territory
Country / Territory (User location) Criteria
Criteria ID Criteria Name
Criteria Type Cross-Device Conv.
Cross-Device Conversions Cross-device conv.
Currency Custom Parameter
Custom label 0 Custom label 1
Custom label 2 Custom label 3
Custom label 4 Customer Descriptive Name
Customer Name Customer Optimization Score
Daily Budget Date
Day DayOfWeek
Days to Conversion Days to Conversion or Adjustment
Default max. CPC Description
Description 1 Description 1 Asset ID
Description 2 Description 2 Asset ID
Description Line 1 Description Line 2
Details Device
Display URL Domain
Duration (seconds) Dynamically Generated Headline
End Date End Time
Engagement Rate Engagements
Enhanced CPV Enabled Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Example of responsive display ad marketing image Example of responsive display ad square logo
Example of responsive display ad square marketing image Example of responsive display ad video
Example of responsive display ad video preview URL Example of responsive display ad video title
Example of returned responsive display ad logo Expanded Final URL
Expanded Text Ad Description 2 Expanded Text Ad Headline 3
Extension (upgraded) Final URL
First Page CPC Gender
Gender State Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Headline 1 Headline 1 Asset ID
Headline 2 Headline 2 Asset ID
Height Hour of Day
Household Income ID
Image Ad Preview Image Asset Preview
Image Preview Image Preview Link
Image ad height Image ad name
Image ad preview height Image ad preview image url
Image ad preview width Image ad size
Image ad width Impr. (Absolute Top) %
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interaction Types Interactions
Interactions Rate Invalid Click Rate
Invalid Clicks Is Budget Explicitly Shared
Is Negative Is Self Action
Is negative Is targeting location?
Item Id Item State
Keyword Keyword / Placement
Keyword ID Keyword Label IDs
Keyword Labels Keyword/Placement destination URL
Language Location ID
Location Type Long Headline
MC ID Match type
Matching Keyword Max CPC source
Max CPM Source Max. CPC
Max. CPC Source Max. CPM
Max. CPM Source Max. CPV
Max. CPV Source Merchant ID
Metro (Geo data) Metro (User location)
Metro area Mobile Final URL
Mobile Speed Score Month
MonthOfYear Most Specific Location
Most Specific Location Canonical Name Most Specific Location ID
Most Specific Location Name Name
Network Pages / session
Parental Status Parental Status State
Partition Type Path1
Path2 Phone calls
Phone impressions Placeholder
Placement Placement Display Name
Placement State Placement Type
Possible Content Impressions Possible Display Impressions
Possible Search Impressions Post Click Quality Score
Postal Code (User location) Preview
Preview URL Product Aggregator ID
Product Channel Product Channel Exclusivity
Product Condition Product Partition ID
Product Title Product type (1st level)
Product type (2nd level) Product type (3rd level)
Product type (4th level) Product type (5th level)
Quality Score Quarter
Query Match Type with Variant Region
Region (User location) Relative CTR%
Resource Resource Name
Responsive display ad accent color Responsive display ad allow flexible color?
Responsive display ad call-to-action text Responsive display ad display ad format setting
Responsive display ad main color Responsive display ad price prefix
Responsive display ad promo text Review State
Search (Absolute Top) IS Search (Top) IS
Search Exact Match Impression Share Search Term
Served Assets Details Serving Status
Short Headline Source
Start Date Start Time
Status Store ID
Summary Daily Budget Target Type
Target URL Time Zone
Top of Page CPC Topic
Total Calls Total Conv. Value / cost
Total Impressions Total conv. value
Tracking Template Trueview Video Views
Type URL
Unexpanded Final URL User List ID
User List Name Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Value Per Conv Video Channel ID
Video Duration (seconds) Video ID
Video Preview Video Preview Link
Video Title Video View Rate
Video Views View Through Conv.
View in search results View-through conv.
Week Width
Year YouTube Video Asset Preview
YouTube Video Asset Preview Link

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Associated Ad Groups Associated Ad Groups Number
Associated Campaigns Associated Campaigns Number
Audience Audience ID
Audience State Audience Type
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost Per All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impr. (Absolute Top) % Impr. (Top) %
Impressions Interactions
Max. CPC Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPM Source
Mobile Final URL Network
Time Zone Total conv. value
User List ID User List Name
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View avg. CPM
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Associated Ad Groups Associated Ad Groups Number
Associated Campaigns Associated Campaigns Number
Audience Audience ID
Audience State Audience Type
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Click Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device Final URL
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Interactions
Max. CPC Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPM Source
Mobile Final URL Network
Time Zone Total Impressions
Total conv. value User List ID
User List Name Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time)

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. Value
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Action ID
Conversion Action Name Conversion Category
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cross-Device Conversions Currency
Date Network
Time Zone Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time) View Through Conv.

% New Sessions Account ID
Account Name Active View Viewable CTR
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group Status
Ad Group Tracking URL Template Ad Group Type
Adjusted Content Impression Share Adjusted Content Impression Share 10 Percent
Adjusted Content Impression Share 5 Percent Adjusted Content Impression Share Old
Adjusted Display Impression Share Adjusted Search Impression Share
Adjusted Search Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Search Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Search Impression Share Old All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Content Impr. share Avg. Daily Cost
Avg. Daily Display Impr. Share Avg. Daily Display Lost IS (rank)
Avg. Daily Search Exact match IS Avg. Daily Search Impr. Share
Avg. Daily Search Lost IS (rank) Avg. session duration
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Content Lost IS (rank)
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Rate
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Default max. CPC Engagements
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Impr. (Absolute Top) %
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interactions Max. CPM
Max. CPV Network
Pages / session Phone calls
Phone impressions Possible Content Impressions
Possible Display Impressions Possible Search Impressions
Relative CTR% Search (Absolute Top) IS
Search (Top) IS Time Zone
Total Calls Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Network
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Click Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Rate Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Device
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Interactions
Time Zone Total Impressions
Total conv. value Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time) View-through conv.

% New Sessions Account ID
Account Name Active View Viewable CTR
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad (Headline)
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Ad ID Ad Label IDs
Ad Labels Ad Preview
Ad State Ad Strength
Ad Tracking URL Template Ad Type
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
App Final URL Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. Bounce Rate
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost Avg. session duration
CTR Call ad business name
Call ad call tracking enabled? Call ad conversion action
Call ad conversion behavior Call ad disable call conversion?
Call ad phone number verification URL Call-only ad phone number
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Rate Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Description
Description Line 1 Description Line 2
Display URL Engagements
Example of responsive display ad marketing image Example of responsive display ad square logo
Example of responsive display ad square marketing image Example of responsive display ad video
Example of responsive display ad video preview URL Example of responsive display ad video title
Example of returned responsive display ad logo Expanded Text Ad Description 2
Expanded Text Ad Headline 3 Final URL
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Headline 1
Headline 2 Image Ad Preview
Image ad height Image ad name
Image ad preview height Image ad preview image url
Image ad preview width Image ad size
Image ad width Impressions
Interactions Long Headline
Mobile Final URL Network
Pages / session Path1
Path2 Responsive display ad accent color
Responsive display ad allow flexible color? Responsive display ad call-to-action text
Responsive display ad display ad format setting Responsive display ad main color
Responsive display ad price prefix Responsive display ad promo text
Short Headline Time Zone
Total conv. value Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time) Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad (Headline) Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template Ad ID
Ad Label IDs Ad Labels
Ad Preview Ad State
Ad Strength Ad Tracking URL Template
Ad Type All Conv.
All Conv. Value All conv. (by conv. time)
All conv. value (by conv. time) App Final URL
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Call ad business name Call ad call tracking enabled?
Call ad conversion action Call ad conversion behavior
Call ad disable call conversion? Call ad phone number verification URL
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Rate Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Description
Description Line 1 Description Line 2
Device Display URL
Engagements Example of responsive display ad marketing image
Example of responsive display ad square logo Example of responsive display ad square marketing image
Example of responsive display ad video Example of responsive display ad video preview URL
Example of responsive display ad video title Example of returned responsive display ad logo
Final URL Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Headline 1 Headline 2
Image Ad Preview Image ad height
Image ad name Image ad preview height
Image ad preview image url Image ad preview width
Image ad size Image ad width
Impressions Interactions
Long Headline Mobile Final URL
Network Path1
Path2 Responsive display ad accent color
Responsive display ad allow flexible color? Responsive display ad call-to-action text
Responsive display ad display ad format setting Responsive display ad main color
Responsive display ad price prefix Responsive display ad promo text
Short Headline Time Zone
Total conv. value Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time) Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Age Range Age Range State
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impressions Interactions
Is Negative Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPM Source
Mobile Final URL Network
Time Zone Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

All Assets For Asset Group Asset Final Mobile URLs
Asset Final URL Suffix Asset Final URLs
Asset Group Ad Strength Asset Group Field Type
Asset Group Final Mobile URLs Asset Group Final URLs
Asset Group ID Asset Group Name
Asset Group Path1 Asset Group Path2
Asset Group Performance Label Asset Group Policy Summary Approval Status
Asset Group Policy Summary Policy Topic Entries Asset Group Policy Summary Review Status
Asset Group Status Asset ID
Asset Image Asset File Size Asset Image Asset Full Size Height Pixels
Asset Image Asset Full Size URL Asset Image Asset Full Size Width Pixels
Asset Image Asset Mime Type Asset Name
Asset Policy Summary Approval Status Asset Policy Summary Policy Topic Entries
Asset Policy Summary Review Status Asset Sitelink Asset Ad Schedule Targets
Asset Sitelink Asset Description1 Asset Sitelink Asset Description2
Asset Sitelink Asset End Date Asset Sitelink Asset Link Text
Asset Sitelink Asset Start Date Asset Source
Asset Structured Snippet Asset Header Asset Structured Snippet Asset Values
Asset Text Asset Text Asset Tracking URL Template
Asset Type Asset URL Custom Parameters
Asset YouTube Video Asset YouTube Video ID Asset YouTube Video Asset YouTube Video Title
Campaign Campaign ID
Campaign Type Date
Image Asset Preview YouTube Video Asset Preview
YouTube Video Asset Preview Link

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Call Tracking DisplayLocation Call Type
Caller Area Code Caller Country Code
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Currency
Date Duration (seconds)
End Time Network
Start Time Status
Time Zone

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Audience Audience ID
Audience State Audience Type
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost Per All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Engagements Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impr. (Absolute Top) % Impr. (Top) %
Impressions Interactions
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value User List ID
User List Name Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time) Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Network
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost Bid Strategy ID
Bid Strategy Name CTR
Campaign Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Click Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Rate
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device Enhanced CPV Enabled
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Invalid Click Rate
Invalid Clicks Serving Status
Time Zone Total Impressions
Total conv. value Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time)

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Asset ID at Google Ads
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversions
Cost Cost Per All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Extension (upgraded) Final URL
Impressions Interactions
Phone calls Phone impressions
Source Status
Time Zone Total conv. value
Type Video View Rate
Video Views

% New Sessions Account Currency Code
Account ID Account Name
Account Time Zone Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Adjusted Content Impression Share Adjusted Content Impression Share 10 Percent
Adjusted Content Impression Share 5 Percent Adjusted Content Impression Share Old
Adjusted Display Impression Share Adjusted Search Impression Share
Adjusted Search Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Search Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Search Impression Share Old All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
All conv. value / cost Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. Bounce Rate
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Content Impr. share Avg. Daily Cost
Avg. Daily Display Impr. Share Avg. Daily Display Lost IS (budget)
Avg. Daily Display Lost IS (rank) Avg. Daily Search Exact match IS
Avg. Daily Search Impr. Share Avg. Daily Search Lost IS (budget)
Avg. Daily Search Lost IS (rank) Avg. session duration
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bidding Strategy Budget Id
Budget Period CTR
CVR Campaign (Adwords ID - Network)
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Network(s) Campaign Optimization Score
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client All Conv. Value / Cost
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost / All Conv. Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Content Lost IS (rank)
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Rate
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost / all conv.
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Customer Descriptive Name
Customer Optimization Score Daily Budget
Date End Date
Engagements Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Impr. (Absolute Top) %
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interactions Invalid Click Rate
Invalid Clicks Is Budget Explicitly Shared
Network Pages / session
Phone calls Phone impressions
Possible Content Impressions Possible Display Impressions
Possible Search Impressions Relative CTR%
Search (Absolute Top) IS Search (Top) IS
Serving Status Start Date
Summary Daily Budget Total Conv. Value / cost
Total conv. value Trueview Video Views
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Canonical Name
City (User location) Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Country / Territory (User location) Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Impressions Interactions
Is targeting location? Network
Region (User location) Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
City (User location) Conversion Category
Conversion Name Conversion Tracker ID
Conversions Country / Territory (User location)
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Is targeting location?
Most Specific Location Canonical Name Most Specific Location ID
Most Specific Location Name Network
Region (User location) Time Zone
Total conv. value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. Value
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Action ID
Conversion Action Name Conversion Category
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cross-Device Conversions Currency
Daily Budget Date
Network Time Zone
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
View Through Conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad (Headline) Ad Group
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Ad ID Ad Label IDs
Ad Labels Ad State
Ad Strength Ad Tracking URL Template
Ad Type All Conv.
All Conv. Value All conv. (by conv. time)
All conv. value (by conv. time) App Final URL
Call ad business name Call ad call tracking enabled?
Call ad conversion action Call ad conversion behavior
Call ad disable call conversion? Call ad phone number verification URL
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Action ID Conversion Action Name
Conversion Category Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Description Description Line 1
Description Line 2 Display URL
Example of responsive display ad marketing image Example of responsive display ad square logo
Example of responsive display ad square marketing image Example of responsive display ad video
Example of responsive display ad video preview URL Example of responsive display ad video title
Example of returned responsive display ad logo Final URL
Headline 1 Headline 2
Image ad height Image ad name
Image ad preview height Image ad preview image url
Image ad preview width Image ad size
Image ad width Long Headline
Mobile Final URL Network
Path1 Path2
Responsive display ad accent color Responsive display ad allow flexible color?
Responsive display ad call-to-action text Responsive display ad display ad format setting
Responsive display ad main color Responsive display ad price prefix
Responsive display ad promo text Short Headline
Time Zone Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Action ID Conversion Action Name
Conversion Category Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Final URL First Page CPC
Is negative Keyword
Keyword ID Match type
Max. CPC Max. CPM
Mobile Final URL Network
Status Time Zone
Top of Page CPC Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Adwords Metro ID All Conv.
All Conv. Value Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conversion Action Name
Conversion Category Conversion Tracker ID
Conversions Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Metro (Geo data) Network
Time Zone Total conv. value
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Event Type All Conv.
All Conv. Value All conv. (by conv. time)
All conv. value (by conv. time) Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Action Name Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Category Conversion Source
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cross-device conv. Currency
Daily Budget Date
Days to Conversion Days to Conversion or Adjustment
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conv. value (current model) Conversion Action ID
Conversion Action Name Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Category Conversion Source
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Conversions (current model) Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Days to Conversion Days to Conversion or Adjustment
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value Value / Conv. (by conv. time)
Value / all conv. (by conv. time)

Account ID Account Name
Active View avg. CPM Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
App Final URL Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Criteria
Criteria ID Criteria Name
Criteria Type Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Final URL
Impressions Interactions
Is Negative Keyword/Placement destination URL
Max. CPC Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPV
Max. CPV Source Mobile Final URL
Month Network
Quarter Time Zone
Total conv. value Value Per Conv

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value All conv. (by conv. time)
All conv. value (by conv. time) Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Rate
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost Per All Conv.
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Device
Engagements Impr. (Absolute Top) %
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interactions Network
Search (Absolute Top) IS Search (Top) IS
Time Zone Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View avg. CPM
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Click Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device Final URL
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves ID
Interactions Is Negative
Keyword Max. CPC
Max. CPC Source Max. CPM
Max. CPM Source Mobile Final URL
Network Status
Time Zone Total Impressions
Total conv. value

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View avg. CPM
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Click Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device Final URL
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves ID
Interactions Is Negative
Max. CPC Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPM Source
Mobile Final URL Network
Status Time Zone
Topic Total Impressions
Total conv. value

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversions
Cost Cost Per All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
ID Impressions
Interactions Is Negative
Keyword Max. CPC
Max. CPC Source Max. CPM
Max. CPM Source Max. CPV
Max. CPV Source Mobile Final URL
Network Status
Time Zone Total conv. value
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost Per All Conv.
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Domain
Engagements Impressions
Interactions Keyword / Placement
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value URL
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL Gender
Gender State Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impressions Interactions
Is Negative Max. CPC Source
Max. CPM Max. CPM Source
Mobile Final URL Network
Time Zone Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversions Cost
Cost Per All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Engagement Rate Engagements
Household Income Impressions
Interactions Interactions Rate
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value Value Per Conv
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost Per Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Dynamically Generated Headline
Impressions Keyword ID
Search Term Time Zone
Total conv. value URL
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.

% New Sessions Account ID
Account Name Active View Viewable CTR
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template Adjusted Search Impression Share
Adjusted Search Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Search Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Search Impression Share Old All Conv.
All Conv. Value All conv. (by conv. time)
All conv. value (by conv. time) Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Daily Cost
Avg. Daily Search Impr. Share Avg. session duration
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conv. value (by conv. time)
Conversion Rate Conversions
Conversions (by conv. time) Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL First Page CPC
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Impr. (Absolute Top) %
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interactions Is negative
Keyword Keyword ID
Keyword Label IDs Keyword Labels
Match type Max. CPC
Max. CPM Mobile Final URL
Network Pages / session
Possible Search Impressions Post Click Quality Score
Quality Score Search (Absolute Top) IS
Search (Top) IS Search Exact Match Impression Share
Status Time Zone
Top of Page CPC Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View in search results View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template Ad Network
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All conv. (by conv. time) All conv. value (by conv. time)
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Click Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conv. value (by conv. time) Conversion Rate
Conversions Conversions (by conv. time)
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Device First Page CPC
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Interactions
Keyword Keyword ID
Post Click Quality Score Quality Score
Time Zone Top of Page CPC
Total Impressions Total conv. value
Value / Conv. (by conv. time) Value / all conv. (by conv. time)
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Average Mobile Friendly Clicks Rate Average Valid AMP Click Rate
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Customer Descriptive Name
Date Expanded Final URL
Impressions Mobile Speed Score
Network Time Zone
Total conv. value Unexpanded Final URL
Value / Conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
City Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Conversions Cost
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Country / Territory
Cross-Device Conv. Currency
Date Impressions
Interactions Metro area
Region Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
City Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Country / Territory Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Impressions Interactions
Metro area Most Specific Location Canonical Name
Network Region
Time Zone Total conv. value
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type City
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Country / Territory
Cross-device conv. Currency
Customer Name Date
Impressions Interactions
Metro area Network
Region Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Canonical Name
City Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Country / Territory Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Impressions Interactions
Location Type Metro area
Most Specific Location Network
Region Target Type
Time Zone Total conv. value
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Canonical Name Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per All Conv. Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Country / Territory (User location)
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Impressions
Interactions Is targeting location?
Metro (User location) Network
Time Zone Total conv. value
Video View Rate Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Ad ID Asset ID
Asset Name Asset Sub Type
Asset Type Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Currency Date
Height Image Preview
Image Preview Link Network
Review State Time Zone
Video Preview Video Preview Link

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Ad ID Ad Preview
Ad Type Asset Type
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Currency
Date Description 1
Description 1 Asset ID Description 2
Description 2 Asset ID Final URL
Headline 1 Headline 1 Asset ID
Headline 2 Headline 2 Asset ID
Impressions Network
Resource Name Served Assets Details
Time Zone

Account ID Account Name
Active View Viewable CTR Active View measurable cost
Active View measurable impr. Active View viewable impressions
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Customer Name Date
Engagements Final URL
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Impressions
Interaction Types Interactions
Is negative Max. CPC
Max. CPC Source Max. CPM
Max. CPM Source Mobile Final URL
Network Parental Status
Parental Status State Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Click Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Custom Parameter
Date Device
Is Negative Max. CPC
Month Network
Partition Type Product Partition ID
Quarter Time Zone
Total Impressions Total conv. value
Tracking Template Value Per Conv

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Approval Status Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Details
Engagements Impressions
Interactions Is Self Action
Item State Network
Placeholder Time Zone
Total conv. value Type
Video View Rate Video Views

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Value Average Video 100% Completes
Average Video 25% Completes Average Video 50% Completes
Average Video 75% Completes Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Daily Cost
Bid adj. CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per Conversion Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Engagements
Final URL Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impressions Interactions
Is negative Max CPC source
Max CPM Source Max. CPC
Max. CPM Mobile Final URL
Network Placement
Placement State Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Canonical Name
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Country / Territory (User location)
Cross-device conv. Currency
Date Impressions
Interactions Is targeting location?
Network Postal Code (User location)
Region (User location) Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost Per Conversion
Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Currency
Customer Name Date
Engagements Final URL
Impressions Interaction Types
Interactions Matching Keyword
Network Query Match Type with Variant
Search Term Time Zone
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
Adjusted Search Click Share All Conv.
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Daily Cost Brand
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Category (1st level) Category (2nd level)
Category (3rd level) Category (4th level)
Category (5th level) Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cross-device conv. Currency
Custom label 0 Custom label 1
Custom label 2 Custom label 3
Custom label 4 Date
Impressions Item Id
Language MC ID
Network Product Title
Product type (1st level) Product type (2nd level)
Product type (3rd level) Product type (4th level)
Product type (5th level) Store ID
Time Zone Total conv. value

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Brand
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Category (1st level) Category (2nd level)
Category (3rd level) Category (4th level)
Category (5th level) Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost Per All Conv. Cost Per Conversion
Cross-device conv. Currency
Custom label 0 Custom label 1
Custom label 2 Custom label 3
Custom label 4 Date
Impressions Item Id
Language Merchant ID
Product Aggregator ID Product Channel
Product Channel Exclusivity Product Condition
Product Title Product type (1st level)
Product type (2nd level) Product type (3rd level)
Product type (4th level) Product type (5th level)
Store ID Time Zone
Total conv. value

Account ID Account Name
All Conv. Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Client CPC Avg. Client CPM
Avg. Client CPV Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Canonical Name
City Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Client Cost per All Conv. Conversion Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Country Currency
Date Engagements
Impressions Interaction Types
Interactions Location ID
Name Region
Status Target Type
Time Zone Video Views
View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Status
Ad Group Type Adjusted Content Impression Share
Adjusted Content Impression Share 10 Percent Adjusted Content Impression Share 5 Percent
Adjusted Content Impression Share Old Adjusted Display Impression Share
Adjusted Search Impression Share Adjusted Search Impression Share 10 Percent
Adjusted Search Impression Share 5 Percent Adjusted Search Impression Share Old
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Content Impr. share Avg. Daily Cost
Avg. Daily Display Impr. Share Avg. Daily Search Impr. Share
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Type
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost Per View-Through Conversion
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per View-Through Conversion Currency
Date Default max. CPC
Engagements Hour of Day
Impressions Interactions
Max. CPM Max. CPV
Network Phone calls
Phone impressions Possible Content Impressions
Possible Display Impressions Possible Search Impressions
Relative CTR% Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views View-through conv.

Account ID Account Name
Ad Group Ad Group ID
Ad Group Label IDs Ad Group Labels
Ad Group State Ad Group Tracking URL Template
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
Average Video 100% Completes Average Video 25% Completes
Average Video 50% Completes Average Video 75% Completes
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Daily Cost CTR
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Label IDs Campaign Labels
Campaign Name Campaign Serving Status
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Subtype Campaign Tracking URL Template
Campaign Type Clicks
Client Avg. Daily Cost Client Cost
Client Cost Per Conversion Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversion Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost Per All Conv. Currency
Date Day
DayOfWeek Device
Engagement Rate Engagements
Impressions Month
MonthOfYear Network
Preview Preview URL
Quarter Time Zone
Total conv. value Video Channel ID
Video Duration (seconds) Video ID
Video Title Video View Rate
Video Views Week

Account ID Account Name
Active View measurable cost Active View measurable impr.
Active View viewable impressions Ad Group
Ad Group ID Ad Group Label IDs
Ad Group Labels Ad Group State
Ad Group Tracking URL Template All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Client CPC
Avg. Client CPM Avg. Client CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Daily Cost
CTR Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Label IDs
Campaign Labels Campaign Name
Campaign Serving Status Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Subtype
Campaign Tracking URL Template Campaign Type
Clicks Client Avg. Daily Cost
Client Cost Client Cost per All Conv.
Conversions Cost
Cost Per All Conv. Cross-device conv.
Currency Date
Engagements Impressions
Interactions Network
Placement Placement Display Name
Placement Type Resource
Target URL Time Zone
Total conv. value Video View Rate
Video Views

% New Sessions Accent color (multi asset responsive display)
Accent color (responsive) Accessible Bidding Strategy
Account Account Status
Action Items Active View CTR
Active View Impressions Active View Measurable Cost
Active View Measurable Impr. Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr.
Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr. Ad
Ad App Engagement Ad Descriptions Ad App Engagement Ad Headlines
Ad App Engagement Ad Images Ad App Engagement Ad Videos
Ad App Pre Registration Ad Descriptions Ad App Pre Registration Ad Headlines
Ad App Pre Registration Ad Images Ad App Pre Registration Ad Youtube Videos
Ad Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped? Ad Call Ad Business Name
Ad Call Ad Call Tracked? Ad Call Ad Conversion Action
Ad Call Ad Conversion Reporting State Ad Call Ad Country Code
Ad Call Ad Description1 Ad Call Ad Description2
Ad Call Ad Disable Call Conversion? Ad Call Ad Headline1
Ad Call Ad Headline2 Ad Call Ad Path1
Ad Call Ad Path2 Ad Call Ad Phone Number Verification Url
Ad Campaign Ad Destination Type
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Business Name Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Call To Action Text
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Carousel Cards Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Description
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Headline Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Logo Image
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Business Name Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Call To Action Text
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Descriptions Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Headlines
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Lead Form Only? Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Logo Images
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Marketing Images Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Portrait Marketing Images
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Square Marketing Images Ad Display Upload Ad Display Upload Product Type
Ad Display Upload Ad Media Bundle Ad Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Ad Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description2 Ad Expanded Text Ad Description
Ad Final App Urls Ad Final Url Suffix
Ad Group Ad Group Ad Group
Ad Group Ad Resource Name Ad Group Labels
Ad Headline Ad Hotel Ad
Ad Image Ad Preview Image Url Ad Image Ad Preview Pixel Height
Ad Image Ad Preview Pixel Width Ad Labels
Ad Legacy App Install Ad Ad Legacy Responsive Display Ad Description
Ad Local Ad Call To Actions Ad Local Ad Descriptions
Ad Local Ad Headlines Ad Local Ad Logo Images
Ad Local Ad Marketing Images Ad Local Ad Path1
Ad Local Ad Path2 Ad Local Ad Videos
Ad Name Ad Network Type
Ad Preview Ad Resource Name
Ad Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Asset Enhancements? Ad Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Autogen Video?
Ad Serving Optimization Status Ad Shopping Comparison Listing Ad Headline
Ad Shopping Product Ad Ad Shopping Smart Ad
Ad Smart Campaign Ad Descriptions Ad Smart Campaign Ad Headlines
Ad State Ad Target Cpa Micros
Ad Target Cpm Micros Ad Target Roas
Ad Text Ad Description1 Ad Text Ad Description2
Ad Travel Ad Ad Url Collections
Ad Video Ad Bumper Action Button Label Ad Video Ad Bumper Action Headline
Ad Video Ad Bumper Companion Banner Asset Ad Video Ad In Feed Description1
Ad Video Ad In Feed Description2 Ad Video Ad In Feed Headline
Ad Video Ad In Feed Thumbnail Ad Video Ad In Stream Action Button Label
Ad Video Ad In Stream Action Headline Ad Video Ad In Stream Companion Banner Asset
Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Action Button Label Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Action Headline
Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Companion Banner Asset Ad Video Ad Out Stream Description
Ad Video Ad Out Stream Headline Ad Video Ad Video Asset
Ad Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb1 Ad Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb2
Ad Video Responsive Ad Call To Actions Ad Video Responsive Ad Companion Banners
Ad Video Responsive Ad Descriptions Ad Video Responsive Ad Headlines
Ad Video Responsive Ad Long Headlines Ad Video Responsive Ad Videos
Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display) Ad format preference (responsive)
Ad group ID Ad group state
Ad group type Ad relevance
Ad rotation mode Ad strength
Age Range State Airport
Aligned Bidding Strategy ID Aligned Campaign Budget ID
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) All Conv. Value Per Cost
Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display) Allow flexible color (responsive)
App Campaign Setting App Id App Campaign Setting App Store
App Campaign Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type App ID
App Installs Approval Status
Area of Interest City Area of Interest Country
Area of Interest Metro Area of Interest Most Specific Location
Area of Interest Region Asset (Asset Interaction Target)
Asset Field Type Asset Performance Label
Asset Pinned Field Asset linked to Latest Version of Ad?
Associated Campaign Attr. Conv. (current model)
Attr. Conv. / Total Interactions Attr. Conv. Value / Cost
Attr. Conv. Value from Interactions / Total Interactions Attribution Model
Attribution Model Status Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped?
Auto tagging enabled Auto-applied ad suggestion
Average Target CPA Micros Average Target Roas
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr.
Avg. Imp Freq / User Avg. Session Duration (seconds)
Base Ad group ID Base Campaign ID
Benchmark CTR Benchmark Max. CPC
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type Bid adj.
Bid limit (Maximize clicks) Bidding Strategy Currency Code
Bidding Strategy Effective Currency Code Bidding Strategy Enhanced CPC
Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value CPC Bid Ceiling Micros Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value CPC Bid Floor Micros
Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversions CPC Bid Ceiling Micros
Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversions CPC Bid Floor Micros Bidding Strategy Status
Bidding Strategy System Status Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share CPC Bid Ceiling Micros
Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share Location Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Bounce Rate Budget
Budget Campaign Association Status Budget ID
Budget explicitly shared Budget period
Business name Business name (multi asset responsive display)
CTR Call Conv. Action
Call Conv. Reporting Enabled? Call Duration (Sec)
Call End Time Call Start Time
Call Status Call Tracking Display Location
Call duration Call to action text (multi asset responsive display)
Call to action text (responsive) Call-only ad phone number
Caller Area Code Caller Country Code
Caller Type Campaign
Campaign Budget Delivery Method Campaign Budget ID
Campaign Budget Status Campaign Budget Type
Campaign Campaign Group Campaign Count
Campaign Excluded Parent Asset Set Types Campaign Group ID
Campaign Group Status Campaign ID
Campaign Labels Campaign Optimization Score
Campaign Primary Status Campaign Primary Status Resons
Campaign Resource Name Campaign Shopping Setting Feed Label
Campaign Subtype Campaign Target Location
Campaign Trial Type Campaign Type
Campaign Url Custom Parameters Campaign serving status
Campaign state Campaigns Using a Budget
Can manage clients Category Bids
City Click Share
Click View Ad Group Ad Click View Keyword
Click to Call (All Conversions from Location Asset) Click to Call (All Conversions)
Click to Call (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Click type
Clicks Client name
Combined Approval status Combined Clicks
Combined Clicks/Query Combined Queries
Commission Commission Rate Micros Content Impr. Share
Content Lost IS (Budget) Content Lost IS (Rank)
Content Network Bid Dimension Conv. Action Primary for Goal?
Conv. Created and Managed At Conv. Rate
Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Conv. Value (current model)
Conv. Value / Cost Conv. Value from Interactions / Total Interactions
Conversion Action Category Conversion Action ID
Conversion Action Status Conversion Action Type
Conversion Origin Conversion Tracker Id
Conversion Tracking ID Conversion Tracking Status
Conversion name Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Conversions (iOS SK and Ad Network)
Conversions Counting Type Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cost / Conv. (current model) Count
Creative Final Mobile URL Creative Final URL
Creative ID Creative Tracking URL Template
Creative URL Custom Parameter Criterion ID
Criterion serving status Cross-Device Conv.
Currency Code (Account) Custom Audience Description
Custom Audience ID Custom Audience Members
Custom Audience Status Custom Audience Type
Custom Conversion Goal Actions Custom Conversion Goal ID
Custom Conversion Goal Status Custom parameter
Customer Accepted Data Terms? Customer ID
Customer Opted for Enhanced Conv. for Leads? Customer has Partners Program Badge?
Customer's Manager Conv. Tracking ID Date
Default Conversion Action Value Default Currency Code
Default max. CPC Description
Description line 1 Description line 2
Descriptions (multi asset responsive display) Device
Device preference Directions (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Directions (All Conversions) Directions (View Through Conversions from Location Asset)
Display URL Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only? Dynamically generated Headline
Effective Cpc Bid Micros Effective Target Cpa Micros
Effective Target ROAS Eligible Impressions from Location Asset Store Reach
Enable Reporting of Phone Call Events? End date
Engagement Rate Engagements
Enhanced CPC enabled Est. add. clicks/wk (first position bid)
Est. add. cost/wk (first position bid) Event Name (Third Party App)
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types Excluded Parent Asset Set Types?
Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description 2 Expanded Text Ad Description 2
Expanded Text Ad Headline 3 Expected ClickThrough Rate (hist.)
Expected clickthrough rate Final URL
Final URL List Final URL suffix
Firebase Conv. Event Name Firebase Project ID
First page CPC First position CPC
Frequency Caps Gender State
Geo Target Canton Geo Target County
Geo Target District Geo Target Postal Code
Geo Target Province Geo Target State
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Google Tag
Has recommended Budget Headline 1
Headline 2 Headlines (multi asset responsive display)
Historical Creative Quality Score Historical landing Page Exp Quality
Hotel Date Selection Type Hotel Property Asset Set
Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id ID
Image Ad URL Image Asset Auto Migration Done Date Time
Image Asset Auto Migration Done? Image Height
Image ID (responsive) Image Mime Type
Image Width Image ad name
Images (multi asset responsive display) Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top)
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
In-App Actions Include in 'Conversions' metric?
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interaction Type Interactions
Invalid Click Rate Invalid Clicks
Is Interaction on an Asset? Is negative
Is restricting Keyword ID
Keyword Info Text Keyword Match type
Keyword State Landing page experience
Landscape logo ID (responsive) Landscape logos (multi asset responsive display)
Local Campaign Setting Location Source Type Location Asset Auto Migration Done Date Time
Location Asset Auto Migration Done? Location City
Location Country Location Metro
Location type Logo ID (responsive)
Logos (multi asset responsive display) Long headline
Long headline (multi asset responsive display) Lookback Window Days (Click Through Conversions)
Lookback Window Days (View Through Conversions) Lower Bid limit (Target CPA)
Lower Bid limit (Target ROAS) Main color (multi asset responsive display)
Main color (responsive) Manual CPA Bidding Strategy
Manual Cpm Manual Cpv
Max CPC source Max CPM Source
Max. CPM Max. CPV
Menu (All Conversions from Location Asset) Menu (All Conversions)
Menu (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Metro area
Mobile App Vendor Mobile final URL
Most specific location Network Settings Target Content Network?
Network Settings Target Google Search? Network Settings Target Partner Search Network?
Network Settings Target Search Network? Non-Removed Campaigns
Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types Optimization Score Weight of Customer
Optimization Score of Customer Optimized Targeting Enabled?
Order (All Conversions from Location Asset) Order (All Conversions)
Order (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Organic Clicks
Organic Clicks (Publisher) Organic Clicks Per Query
Organic Listings Organic Listings/Query
Organic Queries Other Engagement (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Other Engagement (All Conversions) Other Engagement (View Through Conversions from Location Asset)
Owner defined Conv. Action PTR
Page Number Page URL
Pages / Session Parent Criterion ID
Path 1 Path 2
Payment Mode Payment Mode Failure Reason
Percent Cpc Bid Micros Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled? Performance Max Upgrade Status
Performax Max Campaign Phone Calls
Phone Impressions Policy Approval Status
Policy Summary Review Status Policy Topic Entries
Position of the Ad Pre Upgrade Campaign
Price prefix (multi asset responsive display) Price prefix (responsive)
Product Aggregator ID Product Bidding Cat. (1st level)
Product Bidding Cat. (2nd level) Product Bidding Cat. (3rd level)
Product Bidding Cat. (4th level) Product Bidding Cat. (5th level)
Product Brand Product Channel
Product Channel Exclusivity Product Condition
Product Custom Attr. 0 Product Custom Attr. 1
Product Custom Attr. 2 Product Custom Attr. 3
Product Custom Attr. 4 Product Item ID
Product Language Product Merchant ID
Product Store ID Product type (1st level)
Product type (2nd level) Product type (3rd level)
Product type (4th level) Product type (5th level)
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display) Promotion text (responsive)
Property ID Property Name
Purchased Clicks (Publisher) Qual. Score (hist.)
Quality score Query Added to Targeted Keywords?
Query Matches Negative Keyword? Query Matches Negative URL?
Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In? Recommended Budget amount
Region Region Location
Relative CTR Responsive Search Ad descriptions
Responsive Search Ad headlines Responsive Search Ad path 1
Responsive Search Ad path 2 Search Abs. Top IS
Search Exact Match IS Search Impr. Share
Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Budget) Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Rank)
Search Lost IS (Budget) Search Lost IS (Rank)
Search Lost Top IS (Budget) Search Lost Top IS (Rank)
Search Result Type Search Term Status
Search Term View Ad Group Search Terms Match Type
Search Top Impression Share Segments Keyword Info Match Type
Segments Keyword Info Text Selective Optimization Conversion Actions
Shopping Setting Campaign Priority Shopping Setting Enable Local?
Shopping Setting Merchant Id Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory?
Short headline Smart Campaign
Snippet for Tracking Conv. Square image ID (responsive)
Square images (multi asset responsive display) Start date
Store Visits (All Conversions from Location Asset) Store Visits (All Conversions)
Store Visits (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Store Website (All Coversions)
System managed Entity Source Target CPA
Target CPA Micros Target CPA source
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros Target Cpm Target Frequency Goal Target Count
Target Cpm Target Frequency Goal Time Unit Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Impression Share Location Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Target ROAS Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value)
Target ROAS Source Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros Target Roas Target Roas
Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros Target Spend Target Spend Micros
Target spend (Maximize clicks) Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Test account Third Party App Analytics provider
Time zone Top of page CPC
Total Budget amount Total Conv. Value
Tracking Setting Tracking Url Tracking template
Travel Campaign Settings Travel Account Id URL
Universal App Ad descriptions Universal App Ad headlines
Universal App Ad html5 media bundles Universal App Ad images
Universal App Ad mandatory ad text Universal App Ad youTube videos
Unknown Clicks (Publisher) Upper Bid limit (Target CPA)
Upper Bid limit (Target ROAS) Url Expansion Opt Out?
Use default Value? User List
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value / Conv. (current model)
Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value Per Interaction
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text
Vertical ID Video Brand Safety Suitability
Video Channel Id Video Duration
Video Id Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.
Webpage Website (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Website (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Weekly Clicks (Estimate Change)
Weekly Cost Micros (Estimate Change) Weekly Views (Estimate Change)
Weekly interactions (Estimate Change) Youtube videos (multi asset responsive display)

Account Status Active View CTR
Active View Impressions Active View Measurable Cost
Active View Measurable Impr. Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr.
Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr. Ad Network Type
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Auto tagging enabled
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr.
CTR Call Conv. Action
Call Conv. Reporting Enabled? Can manage clients
Click type Clicks
Client name Content Impr. Share
Content Lost IS (Budget) Content Lost IS (Rank)
Conv. Created and Managed At Conv. Rate
Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Conversion Tracking ID
Conversion Tracking Status Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Conversions (iOS SK and Ad Network)
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Cross-Device Conv.
Currency Code (Account) Customer Accepted Data Terms?
Customer ID Customer Opted for Enhanced Conv. for Leads?
Customer has Partners Program Badge? Customer's Manager Conv. Tracking ID
Date Device
Enable Reporting of Phone Call Events? Engagement Rate
Engagements Final URL suffix
Google Tag Image Asset Auto Migration Done Date Time
Image Asset Auto Migration Done? Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top)
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interaction Rate Interactions
Invalid Click Rate Invalid Clicks
Location Asset Auto Migration Done Date Time Location Asset Auto Migration Done?
Optimization Score Weight of Customer Optimization Score of Customer
Payment Mode Failure Reason Position of the Ad
Search Exact Match IS Search Impr. Share
Search Lost IS (Budget) Search Lost IS (Rank)
Test account Time zone
Total Conv. Value Tracking template
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time)
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv.

Ad Ad Network Type
All Conv. All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value Per Cost App Installs
Asset Field Type Asset Performance Label
Asset Pinned Field Asset linked to Latest Version of Ad?
Clicks Combined Approval status
Conv. Value / Cost Conversion Tracker Id
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Date Impressions
In-App Actions Position of the Ad
Total Conv. Value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. View-Through Conv.

% New Sessions Account
Account Status Active View CTR
Active View Impressions Active View Measurable Cost
Active View Measurable Impr. Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr.
Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr. Ad Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped?
Ad Campaign Ad Destination Type
Ad Excluded Parent Asset Field Types Ad Group
Ad Group Labels Ad Network Type
Ad Resource Name Ad Target Cpa Micros
Ad Target Cpm Micros Ad Target Roas
Ad group ID Ad group state
Ad group type Ad rotation mode
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Asset (Asset Interaction Target)
Attr. Conv. (current model) Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr. Avg. Session Duration (seconds)
Base Ad group ID Base Campaign ID
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type Bounce Rate
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click type Clicks
Client name Content Impr. Share
Content Lost IS (Rank) Content Network Bid Dimension
Conv. Rate Conv. Value (by Conv. Time)
Conv. Value (current model) Conversion Tracker Id
Conversion name Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cost / Conv. (current model) Cross-Device Conv.
Currency Code (Account) Custom parameter
Customer ID Date
Default max. CPC Device
Effective Cpc Bid Micros Effective Target Cpa Micros
Effective Target ROAS Engagement Rate
Engagements Enhanced CPC enabled
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types? Final URL suffix
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top)
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interaction Rate Interactions
Is Interaction on an Asset? Is restricting
Max. CPM Max. CPV
Optimized Targeting Enabled? PTR
Pages / Session Percent Cpc Bid Micros
Phone Calls Phone Impressions
Position of the Ad Relative CTR
Search Abs. Top IS Search Exact Match IS
Search Impr. Share Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Budget)
Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Rank) Search Lost IS (Rank)
Search Lost Top IS (Budget) Search Lost Top IS (Rank)
Search Top Impression Share Target CPA source
Target ROAS Source Time zone
Total Conv. Value Tracking template
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value / Conv. (current model)
Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time) Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

% New Sessions Accent color (multi asset responsive display)
Accent color (responsive) Account
Account Status Action Items
Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad App Engagement Ad Descriptions Ad App Engagement Ad Headlines
Ad App Engagement Ad Images Ad App Engagement Ad Videos
Ad App Pre Registration Ad Descriptions Ad App Pre Registration Ad Headlines
Ad App Pre Registration Ad Images Ad App Pre Registration Ad Youtube Videos
Ad Call Ad Business Name Ad Call Ad Call Tracked?
Ad Call Ad Conversion Action Ad Call Ad Conversion Reporting State
Ad Call Ad Country Code Ad Call Ad Description1
Ad Call Ad Description2 Ad Call Ad Disable Call Conversion?
Ad Call Ad Headline1 Ad Call Ad Headline2
Ad Call Ad Path1 Ad Call Ad Path2
Ad Call Ad Phone Number Verification Url Ad Destination Type
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Business Name Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Call To Action Text
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Carousel Cards Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Description
Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Headline Ad Discovery Carousel Ad Logo Image
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Business Name Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Call To Action Text
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Descriptions Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Headlines
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Lead Form Only? Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Logo Images
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Marketing Images Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Portrait Marketing Images
Ad Discovery Multi Asset Ad Square Marketing Images Ad Display Upload Ad Display Upload Product Type
Ad Display Upload Ad Media Bundle Ad Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description2
Ad Expanded Text Ad Description Ad Final App Urls
Ad Final Url Suffix Ad Group
Ad Group Ad Group Ad Group Ad Resource Name
Ad Headline Ad Hotel Ad
Ad Image Ad Preview Image Url Ad Image Ad Preview Pixel Height
Ad Image Ad Preview Pixel Width Ad Labels
Ad Legacy App Install Ad Ad Legacy Responsive Display Ad Description
Ad Local Ad Call To Actions Ad Local Ad Descriptions
Ad Local Ad Headlines Ad Local Ad Logo Images
Ad Local Ad Marketing Images Ad Local Ad Path1
Ad Local Ad Path2 Ad Local Ad Videos
Ad Name Ad Network Type
Ad Preview Ad Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Asset Enhancements?
Ad Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Autogen Video? Ad Shopping Comparison Listing Ad Headline
Ad Shopping Product Ad Ad Shopping Smart Ad
Ad Smart Campaign Ad Descriptions Ad Smart Campaign Ad Headlines
Ad State Ad Text Ad Description1
Ad Text Ad Description2 Ad Travel Ad
Ad Url Collections Ad Video Ad Bumper Action Button Label
Ad Video Ad Bumper Action Headline Ad Video Ad Bumper Companion Banner Asset
Ad Video Ad In Feed Description1 Ad Video Ad In Feed Description2
Ad Video Ad In Feed Headline Ad Video Ad In Feed Thumbnail
Ad Video Ad In Stream Action Button Label Ad Video Ad In Stream Action Headline
Ad Video Ad In Stream Companion Banner Asset Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Action Button Label
Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Action Headline Ad Video Ad Non Skippable Companion Banner Asset
Ad Video Ad Out Stream Description Ad Video Ad Out Stream Headline
Ad Video Ad Video Asset Ad Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb1
Ad Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb2 Ad Video Responsive Ad Call To Actions
Ad Video Responsive Ad Companion Banners Ad Video Responsive Ad Descriptions
Ad Video Responsive Ad Headlines Ad Video Responsive Ad Long Headlines
Ad Video Responsive Ad Videos Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display)
Ad format preference (responsive) Ad group ID
Ad group state Ad strength
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display)
Allow flexible color (responsive) Attr. Conv. (current model)
Auto-applied ad suggestion Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr. Avg. Session Duration (seconds)
Base Ad group ID Base Campaign ID
Bounce Rate Business name
Business name (multi asset responsive display) CTR
Call to action text (multi asset responsive display) Call to action text (responsive)
Call-only ad phone number Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click type Clicks
Client name Combined Approval status
Conv. Rate Conv. Value (by Conv. Time)
Conv. Value (current model) Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cost / Conv. (current model) Creative Final Mobile URL
Creative Final URL Creative Tracking URL Template
Creative URL Custom Parameter Criterion ID
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Customer ID Date
Description Description line 1
Description line 2 Descriptions (multi asset responsive display)
Device Device preference
Display URL Engagement Rate
Engagements Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description 2
Expanded Text Ad Description 2 Expanded Text Ad Headline 3
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Headline 1
Headline 2 Headlines (multi asset responsive display)
ID Image Ad URL
Image Height Image ID (responsive)
Image Mime Type Image Width
Image ad name Images (multi asset responsive display)
Impr. (Abs. Top) Impr. (Abs. Top) %
Impr. (Top) Impr. (Top) %
Impressions Interaction Rate
Interactions Landscape logo ID (responsive)
Landscape logos (multi asset responsive display) Logo ID (responsive)
Logos (multi asset responsive display) Long headline
Long headline (multi asset responsive display) Main color (multi asset responsive display)
Main color (responsive) Pages / Session
Path 1 Path 2
Policy Approval Status Policy Summary Review Status
Policy Topic Entries Position of the Ad
Price prefix (multi asset responsive display) Price prefix (responsive)
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display) Promotion text (responsive)
Responsive Search Ad descriptions Responsive Search Ad headlines
Responsive Search Ad path 1 Responsive Search Ad path 2
Segments Keyword Info Match Type Segments Keyword Info Text
Short headline Square image ID (responsive)
Square images (multi asset responsive display) System managed Entity Source
Time zone Total Conv. Value
Universal App Ad descriptions Universal App Ad headlines
Universal App Ad html5 media bundles Universal App Ad images
Universal App Ad mandatory ad text Universal App Ad youTube videos
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value / Conv. (current model)
Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time) Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.
Youtube videos (multi asset responsive display)

Account Account Status
Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
Age Range State All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value Per Cost Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr. Base Ad group ID
Base Campaign ID Bid Strategy ID
Bid Strategy Name Bid Strategy Type
Bid adj. CTR
Campaign Campaign ID
Campaign state Click type
Clicks Client name
Conv. Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Cross-Device Conv.
Currency Code (Account) Custom parameter
Customer ID Date
Default max. CPC Device
Engagement Rate Engagements
Final URL List Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
ID Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Is negative
Is restricting Max CPC source
Max CPM Source Max. CPM
Mobile final URL Time zone
Total Conv. Value Tracking template
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value Per Interaction Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Aligned Campaign Budget ID All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Average Target CPA Micros Average Target Roas
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Bid Strategy Type Bid limit (Maximize clicks)
Bidding Strategy Currency Code Bidding Strategy Effective Currency Code
Bidding Strategy Enhanced CPC Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value CPC Bid Ceiling Micros
Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value CPC Bid Floor Micros Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas
Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversions CPC Bid Ceiling Micros Bidding Strategy Maximize Conversions CPC Bid Floor Micros
Bidding Strategy Status Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share CPC Bid Ceiling Micros
Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share Location Bidding Strategy Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
CTR Campaign Count
Clicks Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Customer ID
Date Device
ID Impressions
Lower Bid limit (Target CPA) Lower Bid limit (Target ROAS)
Non-Removed Campaigns Target CPA
Target CPA Micros Target ROAS
Target spend (Maximize clicks) Total Conv. Value
Upper Bid limit (Target CPA) Upper Bid limit (Target ROAS)
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
View-Through Conv.

Ad Group Ad group ID
Ad group state Ad group type
Ad rotation mode Age Range State
Auto tagging enabled Base Ad group ID
Base Campaign ID Bid Strategy ID
Budget ID Call End Time
Call Start Time Call Status
Call Tracking Display Location Call duration
Caller Area Code Caller Country Code
Caller Type Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign Subtype
Campaign Trial Type Campaign Type
Campaign serving status Campaign state
Can manage clients Client name
Content Network Bid Dimension Currency Code (Account)
Customer ID Effective Target ROAS
End date Enhanced CPC enabled
Gender State Is restricting
Keyword State Max. CPV
Start date Target CPA source
Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value) Target ROAS Source
Test account Time zone

% New Sessions Accessible Bidding Strategy
Account Account Status
Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad Network Type Ad Serving Optimization Status
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) App Campaign Setting App Id
App Campaign Setting App Store App Campaign Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Asset (Asset Interaction Target) Attr. Conv. (current model)
Attr. Conv. / Total Interactions Attr. Conv. Value / Cost
Attr. Conv. Value from Interactions / Total Interactions Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped?
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr.
Avg. Imp Freq / User Avg. Session Duration (seconds)
Base Campaign ID Bid Strategy ID
Bid Strategy Name Bid Strategy Type
Bidding Strategy System Status Bounce Rate
Budget Budget ID
Budget explicitly shared Budget period
CTR Campaign Campaign Group
Campaign Excluded Parent Asset Set Types Campaign ID
Campaign Labels Campaign Optimization Score
Campaign Primary Status Campaign Primary Status Resons
Campaign Resource Name Campaign Shopping Setting Feed Label
Campaign Subtype Campaign Trial Type
Campaign Type Campaign Url Custom Parameters
Campaign serving status Campaign state
Category Bids Click Share
Click to Call (All Conversions) Click type
Clicks Client name
Commission Commission Rate Micros Content Impr. Share
Content Lost IS (Budget) Content Lost IS (Rank)
Conv. Rate Conv. Value (by Conv. Time)
Conv. Value (current model) Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Conversions (iOS SK and Ad Network)
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Cost / Conv. (current model)
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Custom parameter Customer ID
Date Device
Directions (All Conversions) Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only? End date
Engagement Rate Engagements
Enhanced CPC enabled Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Final URL suffix Frequency Caps
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Has recommended Budget
Hotel Property Asset Set Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id
Impr. (Abs. Top) Impr. (Abs. Top) %
Impr. (Top) Impr. (Top) %
Impressions Interaction Rate
Interactions Invalid Click Rate
Invalid Clicks Is Interaction on an Asset?
Local Campaign Setting Location Source Type Manual CPA Bidding Strategy
Manual Cpm Manual Cpv
Menu (All Conversions) Network Settings Target Content Network?
Network Settings Target Google Search? Network Settings Target Partner Search Network?
Network Settings Target Search Network? Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types
Order (All Conversions) Organic Clicks (Publisher)
Other Engagement (All Conversions) PTR
Pages / Session Payment Mode
Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled?
Performance Max Upgrade Status Performax Max Campaign
Phone Calls Phone Impressions
Position of the Ad Pre Upgrade Campaign
Purchased Clicks (Publisher) Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In?
Recommended Budget amount Relative CTR
Search Abs. Top IS Search Exact Match IS
Search Impr. Share Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Budget)
Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Rank) Search Lost IS (Budget)
Search Lost IS (Rank) Search Lost Top IS (Budget)
Search Lost Top IS (Rank) Search Top Impression Share
Selective Optimization Conversion Actions Shopping Setting Campaign Priority
Shopping Setting Enable Local? Shopping Setting Merchant Id
Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory? Start date
Store Visits (All Conversions) Store Website (All Coversions)
Target CPA Micros Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm Target Frequency Goal Target Count Target Cpm Target Frequency Goal Time Unit
Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros Target Impression Share Location
Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value)
Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Roas Target Roas Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Spend Target Spend Micros Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Time zone Total Budget amount
Total Conv. Value Tracking Setting Tracking Url
Tracking template Travel Campaign Settings Travel Account Id
Unknown Clicks (Publisher) Url Expansion Opt Out?
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value / Conv. (current model)
Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time) Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text Video Brand Safety Suitability
Video Played to 100% Video Played to 25%
Video Played to 50% Video Played to 75%
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv.

Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad Network Type All Conv.
All Conv. (by Conv. Time) All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Value Per Cost Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr. CTR
Click type Clicks
Conv. Rate Conv. Value (by Conv. Time)
Conversions Conversions (by Conv. time)
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Count
Cross-Device Conv. Date
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Hotel Date Selection Type Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Top) Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Position of the Ad
Total Conv. Value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time)
Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time) Value Per Interaction
Video Played to 100% Video Played to 25%
Video Played to 50% Video Played to 75%
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv.

Bid adj. Campaign
Interaction Event Types Interaction Type

Aligned Bidding Strategy ID All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Associated Campaign Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Budget Budget Campaign Association Status
Budget explicitly shared Budget period
CTR Campaign Budget Delivery Method
Campaign Budget ID Campaign Budget Status
Campaign Budget Type Campaigns Using a Budget
Clicks Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Date
Engagement Rate Engagements
Has recommended Budget Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Recommended Budget amount
Total Budget amount Total Conv. Value
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv. Weekly Clicks (Estimate Change)
Weekly Cost Micros (Estimate Change) Weekly Views (Estimate Change)
Weekly interactions (Estimate Change)

Ad Destination Type Avg. Cost
Campaign Group ID Campaign Group Status
Conversions Date
Device Interactions

Ad Network Type Area of Interest City
Area of Interest Country Area of Interest Metro
Area of Interest Most Specific Location Area of Interest Region
Campaign Target Location Click View Ad Group Ad
Click View Keyword Click type
Clicks Date
Device Keyword Info Text
Keyword Match type Location City
Location Country Location Metro
Most specific location Page Number
Position of the Ad Region Location
User List

All Conv. All Conv. Value
App ID Attribution Model
Attribution Model Status Call Duration (Sec)
Conv. Action Primary for Goal? Conversion Action Category
Conversion Action ID Conversion Action Status
Conversion Action Type Conversion Origin
Conversions Counting Type Date
Default Conversion Action Value Default Currency Code
Event Name (Third Party App) Firebase Conv. Event Name
Firebase Project ID Include in 'Conversions' metric?
Lookback Window Days (Click Through Conversions) Lookback Window Days (View Through Conversions)
Mobile App Vendor Owner defined Conv. Action
Property ID Property Name
Snippet for Tracking Conv. Third Party App Analytics provider
Use default Value?

Count Custom Audience Description
Custom Audience ID Custom Audience Members
Custom Audience Status Custom Audience Type

Count Custom Conversion Goal Actions
Custom Conversion Goal ID Custom Conversion Goal Status

Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad Network Type All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value Per Cost Avg. CPC
Avg. CPE Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr. CTR
Campaign Click type
Clicks Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Date
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
Impressions Interaction Event Types
Interaction Rate Interactions
Total Conv. Value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. Value Per Interaction
Video Played to 100% Video Played to 25%
Video Played to 50% Video Played to 75%
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad group ID
Ad group state All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Clicks Client name
Conv. Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Criterion ID
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Customer ID Date
Dynamically generated Headline Impressions
Page URL Query Added to Targeted Keywords?
Query Matches Negative Keyword? Query Matches Negative URL?
Time zone Total Conv. Value
URL Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. Webpage

Account Account Status
Active View CTR Active View Impressions
Active View Measurable Cost Active View Measurable Impr.
Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr. Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr.
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value All Conv. Value Per Cost
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr.
Base Ad group ID Base Campaign ID
Bid Strategy ID Bid Strategy Name
Bid Strategy Type Bid adj.
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click type Clicks
Client name Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Custom parameter Customer ID
Date Default max. CPC
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Final URL List
Gender State Gmail Clicks to Website
Gmail Forwards Gmail Saves
ID Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Is negative
Is restricting Max CPC source
Max CPM Source Max. CPM
Mobile final URL Time zone
Total Conv. Value Tracking template
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value Per Interaction Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
Airport All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPM
Avg. CPV Avg. Cost
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
City Clicks
Client name Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Customer ID Date
Device Geo Target Canton
Geo Target County Geo Target District
Geo Target Postal Code Geo Target Province
Geo Target State Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top)
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Location type
Metro area Most specific location
Region Time zone
Total Conv. Value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

% New Sessions Account
Account Status Active View CTR
Active View Impressions Active View Measurable Cost
Active View Measurable Impr. Active View Measurable Impr. / Impr.
Active View Viewable Impr. / Measurable Impr. Ad Group
Ad Network Type Ad group ID
Ad group state Ad relevance
All Conv. All Conv. (by Conv. Time)
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
All Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) All Conv. Value Per Cost
Approval Status Attr. Conv. (current model)
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost Avg. Cost of Viewable Impr.
Avg. Session Duration (seconds) Base Ad group ID
Base Campaign ID Bid Strategy ID
Bid Strategy Name Bid Strategy Type
Bounce Rate CTR
Campaign Campaign ID
Campaign state Click Share
Click type Clicks
Client name Conv. Rate
Conv. Value (by Conv. Time) Conv. Value (current model)
Conv. Value / Cost Conversions
Conversions (by Conv. time) Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cost / Conv. (current model) Criterion serving status
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Custom parameter Customer ID
Date Default max. CPC
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Enhanced CPC enabled
Est. add. clicks/wk (first position bid) Est. add. cost/wk (first position bid)
Expected ClickThrough Rate (hist.) Expected clickthrough rate
Final URL List Final URL suffix
First page CPC First position CPC
Gmail Clicks to Website Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves Historical Creative Quality Score
Historical landing Page Exp Quality ID
Impr. (Abs. Top) Impr. (Abs. Top) %
Impr. (Top) Impr. (Top) %
Impressions Interaction Rate
Interactions Is negative
Keyword Match type Keyword State
Landing page experience Max CPC source
Max. CPM Mobile final URL
Pages / Session Position of the Ad
Qual. Score (hist.) Quality score
Search Abs. Top IS Search Exact Match IS
Search Impr. Share Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Budget)
Search Lost Abs. Top IS (Rank) Search Lost IS (Rank)
Search Lost Top IS (Budget) Search Lost Top IS (Rank)
Search Top Impression Share Time zone
Top of page CPC Total Conv. Value
Tracking template Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. Value / Conv. (by Conv. Time)
Value / Conv. (current model) Value / all Conv. (by Conv. Time)
Value Per Interaction Vertical ID
Video Played to 100% Video Played to 25%
Video Played to 50% Video Played to 75%
Video View Rate Video Views
View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad group ID
Ad group state CTR
Campaign Campaign ID
Campaign state Clicks
Client name Combined Clicks
Combined Clicks/Query Combined Queries
Currency Code (Account) Customer ID
Date Device
Impressions Keyword ID
Organic Clicks Organic Clicks Per Query
Organic Listings Organic Listings/Query
Organic Queries Search Result Type
Segments Keyword Info Match Type Segments Keyword Info Text
Time zone

Ad Network Type Click to Call (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Click to Call (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Date
Directions (All Conversions from Location Asset) Directions (View Through Conversions from Location Asset)
Eligible Impressions from Location Asset Store Reach Menu (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Menu (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Order (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Order (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Other Engagement (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Other Engagement (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Store Visits (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Store Visits (View Through Conversions from Location Asset) Website (All Conversions from Location Asset)
Website (View Through Conversions from Location Asset)

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
Avg. CPM Benchmark CTR
Benchmark Max. CPC Bid Strategy Type
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click Share Click type
Clicks Conv. Rate
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Cross-Device Conv. Custom parameter
Customer ID Date
Default max. CPC Device
Final URL suffix ID
Impressions Is negative
Parent Criterion ID Search Abs. Top IS
Search Impr. Share Total Conv. Value
Tracking template Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv. View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value All Conv. Value Per Cost
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
Avg. Cost CTR
Campaign Campaign ID
Campaign state Clicks
Client name Conv. Rate
Conv. Value / Cost Conv. Value from Interactions / Total Interactions
Conversions Cost
Cost / All Conv. Cost / Conv.
Creative ID Cross-Device Conv.
Currency Code (Account) Customer ID
Date Device
Engagement Rate Engagements
Final URL Impr. (Abs. Top)
Impr. (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top)
Impr. (Top) % Impressions
Interaction Event Types Interaction Rate
Interactions Keyword ID
Keyword Info Text Keyword Match type
Search Term Status Search Term View Ad Group
Search Terms Match Type Segments Keyword Info Match Type
Segments Keyword Info Text Time zone
Total Conv. Value Tracking template
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Value Per Interaction Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad group ID Ad group state
All Conv. All Conv. Rate
All Conv. Value Avg. CPC
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click type Clicks
Conv. Rate Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Cross-Device Conv.
Customer ID Date
Device Impressions
Product Aggregator ID Product Bidding Cat. (1st level)
Product Bidding Cat. (2nd level) Product Bidding Cat. (3rd level)
Product Bidding Cat. (4th level) Product Bidding Cat. (5th level)
Product Brand Product Channel
Product Channel Exclusivity Product Condition
Product Custom Attr. 0 Product Custom Attr. 1
Product Custom Attr. 2 Product Custom Attr. 3
Product Custom Attr. 4 Product Item ID
Product Language Product Merchant ID
Product Store ID Product type (1st level)
Product type (2nd level) Product type (3rd level)
Product type (4th level) Product type (5th level)
Total Conv. Value Value / All Conv.
Value / Conv.

Clicks Cost
Date Impressions
Smart Campaign

Account Account Status
Ad Group Ad Network Type
Ad State Ad group ID
Ad group state All Conv.
All Conv. Rate All Conv. Value
Avg. CPC Avg. CPE
Avg. CPM Avg. CPV
CTR Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign state
Click type Clicks
Client name Conv. Rate
Conv. Value / Cost Conversions
Cost Cost / All Conv.
Cost / Conv. Creative ID
Cross-Device Conv. Currency Code (Account)
Customer ID Date
Device Engagement Rate
Engagements Impressions
Time zone Total Conv. Value
Value / All Conv. Value / Conv.
Video Channel Id Video Duration
Video Id Video Played to 100%
Video Played to 25% Video Played to 50%
Video Played to 75% Video View Rate
Video Views View-Through Conv.

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