Top 10 Things to Consider About Attribution

Top 10 Things to Consider About Attribution


July 22, 2023

As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, understanding attribution is crucial for businesses seeking to optimize their marketing strategies and improve their return on investment. Attribution provides insights into the customer journey, revealing the touchpoints that drive conversions and influence customer behavior. Stay tuned until the end where we cover the three key solutions that TapClicks adds to the attribution landscape.

Top 10 Things to Consider About Attribution

  1. Business Objectives: Before implementing any attribution model, clearly define your business objectives and conversion goals. Aligning your attribution strategy with these goals ensures that you focus on the metrics that matter most to your business.
  2. Customer Journey Complexity: Analyze the complexity of your customer journey. Do customers follow a linear path, or does their journey involve multiple touchpoints across various channels and devices? Choose an attribution model that captures this complexity.
  3. Multi-Touch vs. Single-Touch: Decide whether a multi-touch or single-touch attribution model best suits your business. Multi-touch models offer a more comprehensive view of the customer journey, while single-touch models are simpler and easier to implement.
  4. Data Quality and Integration: Data is the foundation of attribution. Ensure that your data is accurate, reliable, and integrated from various sources. Invest in data management to avoid biases and discrepancies in your attribution analysis.
  5. Data-Driven Attribution: Consider adopting data-driven attribution models powered by machine learning. Data-driven attribution provides more accurate and dynamic insights by leveraging advanced analytics to attribute credit to touchpoints based on actual customer behavior.
  6. Privacy and Compliance: Respect data privacy regulations and obtain user consent for data collection and processing. Balancing attribution insights with user privacy is essential for building trust and maintaining compliance.
  7. Experimentation and Testing: Don't be afraid to experiment with different attribution models and conduct A/B tests to compare their performance. Continuously test and iterate to find the model that best fits your unique business context.
  8. Involvement of Stakeholders: Involve stakeholders from various departments, including marketing, sales, finance, and data analytics, in the attribution process. Collaborative decision-making ensures that insights are used effectively across the organization.
  9. Cross-Channel Analysis: Consider the influence of offline marketing efforts and external factors on your digital conversions. Attribution should take into account the impact of offline activities and external influences on customer behavior.
  10. Continuous Evolution: Attribution is not a one-time exercise. As your business evolves, customer behavior changes, and new technologies emerge, regularly revisit and refine your attribution strategy to remain relevant and effective.


Key Takeaways

Attribution is a powerful tool that empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing efforts, and enhance the customer experience. As promised, TapClicks has three unique solutions to enhance your attribution modeling: 

  1. The seamless blending of data through Channels
  2. The dimension transformation prowess of Calculations
  3. The visual brilliance of the CMO Dashboard to view all key metrics at-a-glance

Attribution relies on data and TapClicks is your data consolidation partner in this battle.  If you want to know how these affect your day-to-day please schedule a call with one of our experts.

As a parting statement, stay agile, experiment, and continuously evolve your attribution practices to unlock the full potential of data-driven marketing success.