

YouTube is a video-sharing platform, used by experts, social media agents, and industry a free video sharing website that lets people upload, view, and share videos.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

Annotation Click Rate Annotation Clickable Impressions
Annotation Clicks Annotation Closable Impressions
Annotation Close Rate Annotation Closes
Annotation Impressions Audience Watch Ratio (Absolute)
Average Daily View Duration Average Percentage Viewed
Average View Duration Campaign
Card Click Rate Card Clicks
Card Impressions Card Teaser Click Rate
Card Teaser Clicks Card Teaser Impressions
Channel Name Channel Shorts Number
Channel Subscribers Channel Videos Number
Comments Date
Dislikes Duration
Elapsed Video Time Ratio Estimated Hours Watched
Estimated Minutes Watched Estimated Red Hours Watched
Estimated Red Minutes Watched Insight Traffic Source Type
Likes Red Views
Relative Retention Performance Shares
Subscribers Gained Subscribers Lost
Upload Date Video
Videos Added To Playlists Videos Removed From Playlists

Audience Watch Ratio (Absolute) Channel Name
Date Elapsed Video Time Ratio
Estimated Hours Watched Estimated Minutes Watched
Relative Retention Performance Upload Date

Annotation Click Rate Annotation Clickable Impressions
Annotation Clicks Annotation Closable Impressions
Annotation Close Rate Annotation Closes
Annotation Impressions Average Daily View Duration
Average Percentage Viewed Average View Duration
Campaign Card Click Rate
Card Clicks Card Impressions
Card Teaser Click Rate Card Teaser Clicks
Card Teaser Impressions Channel Name
Channel Shorts Number Channel Subscribers
Channel Videos Number Comments
Date Dislikes
Duration Estimated Hours Watched
Estimated Minutes Watched Estimated Red Hours Watched
Estimated Red Minutes Watched Likes
Red Views Shares
Subscribers Gained Subscribers Lost
Upload Date Videos Added To Playlists
Videos Removed From Playlists Views

Channel Name Date
Estimated Hours Watched Estimated Minutes Watched
Insight Traffic Source Type Upload Date
Video Views

Age Group Annotation CTR
Annotation Clickable Impressions Annotation Clicks
Annotation Closable Impressions Annotation Close Rate
Annotation Closes Annotation Impressions
Audience Watch Ratio Avg. Time in Playlist
Avg. View Duration Avg. View Percentage
Avg. view duration (h:m:s) Avg. view duration (min)
Card CTR Card Clicks
Card Impressions Card Teaser CTR
Card Teaser Clicks Card Teaser Impressions
Comments Date
Dislikes Estimated Minutes Watched
Estimated Red Minutes Watched Estimated time watched (days)
Has Captions Is Licensed Content
Likes Live Or On Demand
Operating System Playlist Starts
Red Views Relative Retention Performance
Shares Subscriber Status
Subscribers Gained Subscribers Lost
Video Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title
Viewer Percentage Views
Views Per Playlist Start Youtube Product

Age Group Has Captions
Is Licensed Content Subscriber Status
Video Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title
Viewer Percentage

Audience Watch Ratio Has Captions
Is Licensed Content Relative Retention Performance
Video Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title

Estimated Minutes Watched Has Captions
Is Licensed Content Operating System
Subscriber Status Video
Video Age Restriction Video Category
Video Description Video Image
Video Image URL Video Length
Video Privacy Status Video Published At
Video Resolution Video Tags
Video Title Views
Youtube Product

Avg. View Duration Avg. view duration (h:m:s)
Avg. view duration (min) Estimated Minutes Watched
Estimated Red Minutes Watched Estimated time watched (days)
Has Captions Is Licensed Content
Live Or On Demand Red Views
Video Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title
Views Youtube Product

Estimated Minutes Watched Has Captions
Is Licensed Content Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title

Estimated Minutes Watched Has Captions
Is Licensed Content Live Or On Demand
Subscriber Status Video
Video Age Restriction Video Category
Video Description Video Image
Video Image URL Video Length
Video Privacy Status Video Published At
Video Resolution Video Tags
Video Title Views

Has Captions Is Licensed Content
Shares Subscriber Status
Video Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title

Avg. Time in Playlist Estimated Minutes Watched
Playlist Starts Subscriber Status
Views Views Per Playlist Start

Avg. Time in Playlist Estimated Minutes Watched
Playlist Starts Views
Views Per Playlist Start

Annotation CTR Annotation Clickable Impressions
Annotation Clicks Annotation Closable Impressions
Annotation Close Rate Annotation Closes
Annotation Impressions Avg. Time in Playlist
Avg. View Duration Avg. View Percentage
Avg. view duration (h:m:s) Avg. view duration (min)
Card CTR Card Clicks
Card Impressions Card Teaser CTR
Card Teaser Clicks Card Teaser Impressions
Comments Date
Dislikes Estimated Minutes Watched
Estimated Red Minutes Watched Estimated time watched (days)
Has Captions Is Licensed Content
Likes Red Views
Shares Subscribers Gained
Subscribers Lost Video Age Restriction
Video Category Video Description
Video Image Video Image URL
Video Length Video Privacy Status
Video Published At Video Resolution
Video Tags Video Title

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