

Yext is a digital presence management software that enables businesses to update location-related information on multiple websites from one place, thereby providing a centralized local search service.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

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Description Device
Emails Facebook Likes
Facebook Page URL Facebook Talking About This
Facebook Were Here Features Message Clicks
Field Name Folder ID
Frequency Google Action Type
Google Customer Actions Google Driving Directions
Google Maps Views Google Phone Calls
Google Phone Calls Last 90 Days Google Search Queries
Google Search Views Google Website Clicks
Hours Instagram Posts
Is Click Keyword
Latitude Listing
Listing Action Listing Impressions
Listing Status Listing URL
Local Phone Location
Location ID Location Id
Logo Longitude
New Listings Live Payment Options
Phone Photos
Platform Powerlistings Live
Profile Updates Profile Views
Publisher Suggestions Rating
Review Date Routable Latitude
Routable Longitude Searches
Share of Intelligent Search Site ID
Special Offer Special Offer URL
State Term
Title Twitter Handle
URL Website URL
Year Established Yelp Action Type
Yelp Customer Actions Yelp Driving Directions
Yelp Page Views Yelp Phone Calls
Yelp Website Clicks Zip

Date Field Name
Location Location Id
Profile Updates

Address Average Rating
Bing Searches Category IDs
City Country Code
Date Description
Emails Facebook Likes
Facebook Page URL Facebook Talking About This
Facebook Were Here Features Message Clicks
Folder ID Google Customer Actions
Google Driving Directions Google Maps Views
Google Phone Calls Google Phone Calls Last 90 Days
Google Search Queries Google Search Views
Google Website Clicks Hours
Instagram Posts Latitude
Local Phone Location
Location ID Logo
Longitude New Listings Live
Payment Options Phone
Photos Powerlistings Live
Profile Views Publisher Suggestions
Routable Latitude Routable Longitude
Searches Special Offer
Special Offer URL State
Twitter Handle Website URL
Year Established Yelp Customer Actions
Yelp Driving Directions Yelp Page Views
Yelp Phone Calls Yelp Website Clicks

Business Date
Google Action Type Google Customer Actions

Business Date
Is Click Listing Action

App Business
Date Device
Listing Impressions

Blocked Reasons Date
Listing Listing Status
Listing URL Location

Date Location
Location Id Platform

Author Content
Date Location
Rating Review Date
Site ID Title

Business Competitor
Date Keyword
Share of Intelligent Search

Business Created Date
Date Frequency
Platform Term

Business Created Date
Date Frequency

Business Date
Yelp Action Type Yelp Customer Actions

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