Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads

(Requires Advertising Console or Seller Central User Access) Providing advertisers opportunity to programmatically manage their advertising campaigns.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
ASIN Account ID
Account Name Account Type
Ad Group ID Ad Group Name
Ad Group State Ad ID
Ad Keyword Status Add To Cart
Add To Cart Clicks Add To Cart View
Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks) Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 1d Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 30d Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 7d Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks) Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 1d Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 30d Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 7d Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU
Attributed Units Ordered 14d Attributed Units Ordered 1d
Attributed Units Ordered 30d Attributed Units Ordered 7d
Audience ID Bid
Branded Searches Branded Searches Clicks
Branded Searches View CPC
Campaign Budget Campaign Budget Type
Campaign Daily Budget Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Cost Type Country Code
Creation Date Currency Code
Date Delivery Reasons
Delivery Status Detail Page Views
Detail Page Views Clicks ECP Add To Cart
ECP Brand Search End Date
Event Impressions
Impressions View Keyword Bid
Keyword ID Keyword Text
Keyword Type Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Read 14d
Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Royalties 14d Last Updated Date
Loockback Market Place ID
Match Type Month
Native Language Keyword Native Language Locale
New To Brand Detail Page View Click New To Brand Detail Page View View
New To Brand Detail Page Views New To Brand ECP Detail Page View
New To Brand Purchases New To Brand Purchases Clicks
New To Brand Sales New To Brand Sales Click
New To Brand Units Sold New To Brand Units Sold Clicks
Portfolio ID Premium Bid Adjustment
Product Age Range Product Age Range Resolved
Product Brand Product Brand Resolved
Product Category ID Product Category Resolved
Product Genre Product Genre Resolved
Product Price Greater Than Product Price Less Than
Product Prime Shipping Eligible Product Rating Greater Than
Product Rating Less Than Profile Daily Budget
Profile ID Purchases
Purchases Clicks Purchases Promoted
SKU Sale
Sale Click Sales Other Sku 7d
Sales Promoted Search Term
Serving Status Sponsored Display Campaign Tactic
Start Date State
Target ID Targeting
Targeting Type Timezone
Units Sold Units Sold Click
Units Sold Other Sku 7d Units Sold Same Sku 14d
Units Sold Same Sku 1d Units Sold Same Sku 30d
Units Sold Same Sku 7d Video 5 seconds View
Video Complete View Video First Quartile View
Video Midpoint View Video Third Quartile View
Video Unmute Viewable Impressions
Week acos Clicks 14d
acos Clicks 7d roas Clicks 14d
roas Clicks 7d

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
Account ID Account Name
Account Type Ad Group ID
Ad Group Name Ad Group State
Add To Cart Add To Cart Clicks
Add To Cart View Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks)
Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 1d
Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 30d
Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 7d
Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks)
Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU Attributed Sales 1d
Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU Attributed Sales 30d
Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU Attributed Sales 7d
Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU Attributed Units Ordered 14d
Attributed Units Ordered 1d Attributed Units Ordered 30d
Attributed Units Ordered 7d Branded Searches
Branded Searches Clicks Branded Searches View
CTR Campaign Budget
Campaign Budget Type Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Cost Type Country Code
Creation Date Currency Code
Date Detail Page Views
Detail Page Views Clicks ECP Add To Cart
ECP Brand Search Impressions
Impressions View Last Updated Date
Market Place ID New To Brand Detail Page View Click
New To Brand Detail Page View View New To Brand Detail Page Views
New To Brand ECP Detail Page View New To Brand Purchases
New To Brand Purchases Clicks New To Brand Sales
New To Brand Sales Click New To Brand Units Sold
New To Brand Units Sold Clicks Profile ID
Purchases Purchases Promoted
Sale Sales Promoted
Serving Status Timezone
Units Sold Units Sold Click
Video Complete View Video First Quartile View
Video Midpoint View Video Third Quartile View
Video Unmute

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
ASIN Account ID
Account Name Account Type
Ad Group ID Ad Group Name
Ad ID Add To Cart
Add To Cart Clicks Add To Cart View
Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks) Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 1d Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 30d Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 7d Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks) Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 1d Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 30d Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 7d Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU
Attributed Units Ordered 14d Attributed Units Ordered 1d
Attributed Units Ordered 30d Attributed Units Ordered 7d
Branded Searches Branded Searches Clicks
Branded Searches View CPC
Campaign Budget Campaign Budget Type
Campaign End Date Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign Start Date
Campaign State Campaign Type
Clicks Client CPC
Client CPM Client Cost
Cost Cost Type
Country Code Creation Date
Currency Code Date
Detail Page Views Detail Page Views Clicks
ECP Add To Cart ECP Brand Search
Impressions Impressions View
Last Updated Date Market Place ID
New To Brand Detail Page View Click New To Brand Detail Page View View
New To Brand Detail Page Views New To Brand ECP Detail Page View
New To Brand Purchases New To Brand Purchases Clicks
New To Brand Sales New To Brand Sales Click
New To Brand Units Sold New To Brand Units Sold Clicks
Profile ID Purchases
Purchases Promoted SKU
Sale Sales Promoted
Serving Status State
Timezone Units Sold
Units Sold Click Video Complete View
Video First Quartile View Video Midpoint View
Video Third Quartile View Video Unmute

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
Account ID Account Name
Account Type Add To Cart
Add To Cart Clicks Add To Cart View
Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks) Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 1d Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 30d Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 7d Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks) Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 1d Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 30d Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 7d Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU
Attributed Units Ordered 14d Attributed Units Ordered 1d
Attributed Units Ordered 30d Attributed Units Ordered 7d
Branded Searches Branded Searches Clicks
Branded Searches View CPC
Campaign Budget Campaign Budget Type
Campaign Daily Budget Campaign ID
Campaign Name Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Cost Type Country Code
Currency Code Date
Detail Page Views Detail Page Views Clicks
ECP Add To Cart ECP Brand Search
End Date Impressions
Impressions View Market Place ID
New To Brand Detail Page View Click New To Brand Detail Page View View
New To Brand Detail Page Views New To Brand ECP Detail Page View
New To Brand Purchases New To Brand Purchases Clicks
New To Brand Sales New To Brand Sales Click
New To Brand Units Sold New To Brand Units Sold Clicks
Premium Bid Adjustment Profile Daily Budget
Profile ID Purchases
Purchases Promoted Sale
Sales Promoted Sponsored Display Campaign Tactic
Start Date Targeting Type
Timezone Units Sold
Units Sold Click Video Complete View
Video First Quartile View Video Midpoint View
Video Third Quartile View Video Unmute

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
Account ID Account Name
Account Type Ad Group ID
Ad Group Name Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks)
Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 1d
Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 30d
Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 7d
Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks)
Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU Attributed Sales 1d
Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU Attributed Sales 30d
Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU Attributed Sales 7d
Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU Attributed Units Ordered 14d
Attributed Units Ordered 1d Attributed Units Ordered 30d
Attributed Units Ordered 7d Bid
CTR Campaign Budget
Campaign Budget Type Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Country Code Creation Date
Currency Code Date
Impressions Keyword ID
Keyword Text Last Updated Date
Market Place ID Match Type
Profile ID Serving Status
State Timezone

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
Account ID Account Name
Account Type Ad Group ID
Ad Group Name Ad Keyword Status
Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks) Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 1d Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 30d Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU
Attributed Conversions 7d Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks) Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 1d Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 30d Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU
Attributed Sales 7d Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU
Attributed Units Ordered 14d Attributed Units Ordered 1d
Attributed Units Ordered 30d Attributed Units Ordered 7d
CTR Campaign Budget
Campaign Budget Type Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Country Code Currency Code
Date Impressions
Keyword Bid Keyword ID
Keyword Text Keyword Type
Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Read 14d Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Royalties 14d
Market Place ID Match Type
Portfolio ID Profile ID
Purchases Purchases Clicks
Sale Sale Click
Sales Other Sku 7d Search Term
Targeting Timezone
Units Sold Units Sold Other Sku 7d
Units Sold Same Sku 14d Units Sold Same Sku 1d
Units Sold Same Sku 30d Units Sold Same Sku 7d
Video 5 seconds View Video Complete View
Video First Quartile View Video Midpoint View
Video Third Quartile View Video Unmute
Viewable Impressions acos Clicks 14d
acos Clicks 7d roas Clicks 14d
roas Clicks 7d

ACOS 14d ACOS 1d
ACOS 30d ACOS 7d
ASIN Account ID
Account Name Account Type
Ad Group ID Ad Group Name
Add To Cart Add To Cart Clicks
Add To Cart View Attributed Conversions 14d (Purchases Clicks)
Attributed Conversions 14d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 1d
Attributed Conversions 1d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 30d
Attributed Conversions 30d Same SKU Attributed Conversions 7d
Attributed Conversions 7d Same SKU Attributed Sales 14d (Sale Clicks)
Attributed Sales 14d Same SKU Attributed Sales 1d
Attributed Sales 1d Same SKU Attributed Sales 30d
Attributed Sales 30d Same SKU Attributed Sales 7d
Attributed Sales 7d Same SKU Attributed Units Ordered 14d
Attributed Units Ordered 1d Attributed Units Ordered 30d
Attributed Units Ordered 7d Audience ID
Bid Branded Searches
Branded Searches Clicks Branded Searches View
CTR Campaign Budget
Campaign Budget Type Campaign End Date
Campaign ID Campaign Name
Campaign Start Date Campaign State
Campaign Type Clicks
Client CPC Client CPM
Client Cost Cost
Cost Type Country Code
Creation Date Currency Code
Date Delivery Reasons
Delivery Status Detail Page Views
Detail Page Views Clicks ECP Add To Cart
ECP Brand Search Event
Impressions Impressions View
Keyword Bid Keyword Type
Last Updated Date Loockback
Market Place ID Match Type
Month Native Language Keyword
Native Language Locale New To Brand Detail Page View Click
New To Brand Detail Page View View New To Brand Detail Page Views
New To Brand ECP Detail Page View New To Brand Purchases
New To Brand Purchases Clicks New To Brand Sales
New To Brand Sales Click New To Brand Units Sold
New To Brand Units Sold Clicks Product Age Range
Product Age Range Resolved Product Brand
Product Brand Resolved Product Category ID
Product Category Resolved Product Genre
Product Genre Resolved Product Price Greater Than
Product Price Less Than Product Prime Shipping Eligible
Product Rating Greater Than Product Rating Less Than
Profile ID Purchases
Purchases Promoted Sale
Sales Promoted Target ID
Targeting Timezone
Units Sold Units Sold Click
Video Complete View Video First Quartile View
Video Midpoint View Video Third Quartile View
Video Unmute Week

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