Aggregate, blend, and transfer data from over 250 sources to where you need it

TapData Logo

TapData allows the everyday user to centralize their data collection, curation, transformation, and transmission through approachable, easy to use features. This allows you to configure and deploy processes that make data work for you, not the other way around.

Bring data together, refine & enhance, and then get it where it needs to go, seamlessly.

TapClicks Data Explorer
TapClicks 250+ Data Sources

250+ Data Sources

The most comprehensive selection of data connectors available, providing the flexibility to quickly and easily combine all the data critical for your needs

Connector Health Monitoring

Data Load Status

Get a real-time overview of all data activities so you can spot any issues right away and repair them, ensuring a steady stream of high-quality data

Flexible Data Control dashboard showing slider controls and switches'

Data Exporter

Easily send data from over 250 data sources to popular Data Warehouses like Snowflake and BigQuery, common Databases like SQL and Postgres, and other top destinations.

Simplified Tools at Scale

Data Controls and Security

Data Profiles allow you to control which fields are available to your customers on their dashboards and external products such as Google Sheets, GDS, and other systems, so they see only what you want them to see. Amazon S3 and SFTP. Configure an export to run on demand or on a schedule to ensure your data delivery is automated.

Data Framework for Multiple Sources


Your team has a stack of platforms that they rely on – let TapClicks connect seamlessly with those systems

Refine Your Data through Advanced Calculations

Refine Your Data through Advanced Calculations

Create new fields from pre-existing data. Run calculations on your data and create calculations on your data. Gain more control and customization over how data is displayed and aggregated. Allows you to build your own formulas for unique data visualizations.

Ship to Existing Platforms and Tools

Blending data

Create your own custom channels in TapClicks to merge data from various sources, creating tailored dashboards that perfectly align with your unique analytical needs and narrative.

Configure Data Source Example

Auto Assign

Automatically map your source data to the correct fields. Rules will ensure that as more assignment records come into the system, they automatically link to your client records.

Dan Pascale – Chief Operating Officer

“We’ve been using TapClicks’ Data Exporter for almost a year and it’s a reliable piece of our standard data stack. We are able to add or remove metrics and data sources on our own and have the data flow to Snowflake in minutes. We used to spend hours each week managing data pipes into Snowflake and now we have it all automated.”

Dan Pascale –
Chief Operating Officer,

Data Drive Marketing

Start Automating Your Marketing Data Today!

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